Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Final Blog

In the unit 3 assignment I originally scored myself as a 7 out of a 10 because of the diet that I was on at the time. Now I would have to rate myself as an 8 because my diet has been improved but there is still a little more room for growth.
The goals that I attempted to accomplish was to create a better diet and to continue on a physical training regime and I have accomplished both of those goals  and I plan to continue with these goals.
Such activities as writing down physical goals was a plan that I have been caring out in the semester and I plan to continue to utilize these activities and many more.

I feel as if this course has giving a ton of new ideas and methods to assist me in creating a wellness plan and now it is all up to me to continue to work on what I have learned and to also improve what I have already learned in this course.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Final Project

Introduction: As a health and wellness professional it is extremely important to consider the development of my own personal overall health which includes my development psychologically, spiritually and physically. I feel that this is very important because as a health care worker in health and wellness you as the provider have to not only understand these concepts of integral health but you also have to live them. There is a saying that I heard when I was a young man the statement was “practice what you preach” I feel that as health and wellness professionals in this career and any career for that matter must make an attempt to practice in their own lives what they are preaching at work. That is like going to a Dental hygiene appointment and when you sit down in the chair you realize that the Hygienist teeth are all brown and stained before you can really take them seriously you must see a true reflection of what is being asked of you. According to (Dacher, 2006) to become professionals of better health, we must first begin in our own lives. Integral health can be learned from reading books that teach the correct practices of integral but it can truly be understood by the practices we display. In my personal quest to become a overall healthier person I feel that I need to work on all 3 aspects of integral health I am strong physically but I still have a lot of work to do in all areas. I must continue to strive for the goals that I set and that I try to preach to my clientele. I will continue to attempt to better myself spiritually, physically, and psychologically.
Assessment: I feel that one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish as a health and wellness professional is to assess your own health in each of the domains. I have assessed my health in each domain by coming up with a plan to better utilize my time so that I can pay closer attention to the life adjustments I need to accomplish in order to achieve optimal human flourishing. I would like to start off my assessment by stating I am very active in my exercise routines, I go to the gym three days a week. In that short time frame I work on muscle strengthening, Cardiovascular and aerobic exercises. I am not consistent with my exercise because of time restraints but I make an attempt to go three times a week. These activities make the physical aspect of my health quite strong but there is always some room to grow and improve. If physical wellness was just about exercise I would grade my physical wellness as very good, but since we know that not only do you have to exercise to maintain good physical wellness but you also have to eat right too.  My major issue with my physical wellness is the fact that I do not eat the right food which can cause my body to become drained which can cause me to become lazy. With all these factors taken into consideration I would have to rate my physical wellness a rate of medium and I need to continue to make strides to improve it.
            When I think of my psychological wellness grade I would rate it at a medium because my mind tends to wonder off into a world of imagination which some would consider a good thing but I often feel that it happens to often. But other than that fact my psychological wellness is good.
            I am a very spiritual person I have strong believes and I try to live my life through most of those specific spiritual believes. I would grade my spiritual wellness high because I am very in tune with this portion of my wellness but there is always some room to grow.
Goal development: I feel one of the most important processes of creating a wellness plan is creating goals, monitoring those goals and making a strong effort to accomplish those specific goals. Goal development has played a huge role on my overall integral health I have set many goals in my life and I was not lucky enough to accomplish them all but I did make an planned effort to complete these tasks. My goal for physical wellness would be to be more consistent with my exercise regime but a much more important goal for my physical wellness would be for me to eat a better diet and follow my own advice on nutritional consumption. My goal for my psychological wellness is to start a program where I can begin to learn different forms of alternative therapy such as meditation, guided imagery, and yoga. These activities are not easy and could possibly take a considerable amount of practice on a daily basis. Last, my goal for my spiritual health is to continue going to church. I will also fast from foods and pray much more often.
Practices for personal health: Some of the strategies that I can use in my life to help foster growth in all of the areas of Integral health include:
         Physical wellness- My main concern with my physical wellness in my diet. I would first like to create a diet that is shaped around what I like to eat so I wont feel bad when I cheat on a diet because it would already be in the diet plan. I would have to make a calendar and write what I want and what I am willing to do to burn off whatever fat I gain from it. I would also like to involve my family in this strategy because it would help us all out. A consistent exercise plan that revolves around my busy schedule would be very beneficial to me as well.
         Psychological wellness- One of my main issues is having a cluttered mind. I try to clear my head but nothing I have tried has worked for me. My new strategies will include getting involved in a yoga class and using the relaxation exercises that I learned in this course ie Subtle Mind exercise, Witnessing Mind, Calm Abiding Mind, and Unity Consciousness exercises are all strategies that I plan to use to foster growth in my own psychological wellness.
           Spiritual wellness- This is one of the easier strategies for me because I am somewhat consistent in this area but there is always room for improvement. I went to church today and the pastor said to fast and pray. These two strategies in combination will help me tremendously. I plan to start by giving up something I like for a short period of time and whenever I feel I really need whatever it is I will just pray for strength and guidance.
Commitment: Commitment is the biggest part of creating a wellness plan in the next six months I will use different strategies to assist me in maintaining my wellness plan and to assure that I continue with my plan at an consistent rate. For the physical maintenance I will continue to assess my progress by keeping a log of my exercise plan that will include the amount of times I go to the gym, the duration of my stay, and how many different exercises I do to include there repetition amounts. I will create a diet and a schedule around that specific diet so I know what to eat and at what time to consume the food. I plan to increase and rotate the amount and types of exercise I do in an effort to gain muscle and shed fat. My psychological maintenance plan includes a chart that shows my progress on such mental exercises like memorization, stress relive and mental sharpness. I plan to assess these charts weekly to monitor my progression and as for my spiritual maintenance I plan to continue to read spiritual literature and I also plan to enroll in meditation courses to improve my spiritual insight.
In conclusion this project was a great an opportunity for me to get a chance and create a plan that applies concepts to me and my personal goals.

 Dacher, E. (2006). Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA; Basic Health Publications Inc.