Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mental Exercise

My experience with the loving- kindness exercise was very relaxing I caught myself dosing off about 3 of 4 times but I did get all the way through the exercise. I feel like I would recommend this exercise to other people because of its relaxation advantages.

A mental workout is like any other exercise it allows the mind to focus and concentrate in a meditation form According to Dacher a “mental workout is to utilize contemplative practices to help tame the mind’s constant mental activities and train it along with opening one’s heart, expanding consciousness, and progressing towards psycho-spiritual flourishing (Dacher, 2006). I feel that the benefits of a mental workout include stretching of psyche and mental development. I feel to use mental health to foster psychological health by meditation and other relaxing mental activities

 Dacher, E. (2006). Integral health: The path to human flourishing. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My own level of wellness (questions)

1.    Based on your reflections, and on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being optimal wellbeing), where do you rate your A-physical wellbeing, B-spiritual well-being, C-psychological well-being? Why?
If I had to rate my physical wellbeing I would rate it a 7 because I can really eat allot better which I believe would bring me up to a 10 in this category. I f had to rate my Spiritual well-being I would rate it a 9 because I can always do a little better in that area and if i had to rate my psychological well-being I would rate it a 8 because I sometimes can become distracted with stress, anxiety from regular daily activities.
2     Develop a goal for yourself in each area (physical, spiritual, psychological).  

A good goal for my physical well begin would have to include a much better diet and to stay on my physical training regime. A goal that I would set for my spiritual well being would have to be to read my bible more and fast and pray. A good psychological goal would be to reduces stress and anxiety by whatever means needed.

3.What activities or exercise can you implement in your life to assist in moving toward each goal?
 I think for me to better accomplish my goals that i set is to write them down and put them in a place where I can see them all the time and to just stay consistent and focused.
4.Complete the relaxation exercise The Crime of the Century. To hear this exercise, click here. Describe your experience. (What it beneficial? Frustrating? etc.)
I really enjoyed these relaxation exercises they are very beneficial. The only problem I have with them is that they usually make my body entirely to relaxed so i become sleepy but they are very useful and beneficial.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


My name is Elidge Anderson I am a veteran of the armed services. I have been in the health care field for 10 years. I am currently pursing a degree in Health and Wellness. I really enjoyed listening to the relaxation recording it put me in a mind frame of complete and utter relaxation. The sounds caused me to become rather sleepy and I used it before I went to sleep last night. I feel that I am more relaxed with a female voice over a male but guided meditation is something I will put into my regular daily routine.