Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Unit 6 exercise

                My initial reaction to this exercise was that it would not be useful to me. But after the first couple of minutes I started to enjoy it. It caused me to reflect back on a situation I had with a family member. It did not resolve the problem in any way but after this exercise I felt a sense of calmness. It affected me in a manner that I called that family member and apologized for my role in it. I feel that hatred is a feeling that takes so much out of you and can really wear on a person’s subconscious mind this exercise has brought me to a new sense of compassion for the people I deal with and I recommend it to my family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anderson,

    I enjoyed your post! It's amazing how the body will give us messages to tell us that we are not doing something quite right. Once we let go of that something that is causing the body to give us those messages, we begin to feel so much better. My grandmother always told me that is the reason it's called having ill feelings because carrying around those feelings will literally make you ill and until you let them go you will continue to feel that way. Your post reminded me of that!
